A feeling is a state of mind that is produced by causes that impress you, and these can be joyful and happy, or painful and sad. The feeling arises as a result of an emotion that allows the subject to be aware of their mood.

Feelings are linked to brain dynamics and determine how a person reacts to different events. These are impulses of sensitivity to what is imagined as positive or negative.
In other words, feelings are conceptualized emotions that determine mood. When these are healthy, it is possible to achieve happiness and get the brain dynamics to flow normally. In the opposite case, an emotional imbalance is experienced that can lead to the emergence of disorders such as depression.
Changes in emotional loads determine the characteristics of feelings. Emotions can be brief in time, but generate feelings that subsist over the years.
Basically, feelings are classified as positive (when they promote good works) and negative (if they encourage bad actions). It is also common that it is recommended to fight against the latter in order to achieve inner peace. Good or bad, however, both groups share the impossibility of being transmitted accurately.

At first glance, defining the term emotion can be simple, surely everyone could do it; However, getting a consensual definition of this word is a slightly more complicated task. In this article, however, we will try to do it as clearly as possible. We hope you find it interesting.

  From the Latin emotio, emotion is the deep but ephemeral variation of the mood, which can be pleasant or painful and present itself along with a certain somatic commotion. On the other hand, as the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) points out in its dictionary, it constitutes an interest full of expectation with which it participates in something that is happening.
As various studies have shown, emotions play a fundamental role in a person's health processes. So it is that in many cases, it happens that a disease is triggered by a particular experience that generates a particular emotion, such as phobias or mental disorders. There are also cases of epilepsy where the emotions are a prevailing cause.
Emotions are understood as phenomena of psycho-physiological root and, according to experts, reflect effective ways of adapting to various environmental changes. In the psychological aspect, emotions generate startles in the attention index and increase the range of diverse behaviors in the hierarchy of responses of the individual who experiences them. In terms of physiology, emotions allow the ordering of responses of various biological structures, including facial expressions, voice, muscles and the endocrine system, with the aim of defining an adequate internal environment for the most optimal behavior.
Emotions allow all individuals to establish their position regarding the surrounding environment, being driven towards other people, objects, actions or ideas. Emotions also function as a kind of reservoir of innate and learned influences
